The Timurids, at its start, is a Sunni Uzbek steppe horde located in the Central Asia region of the Tartary subcontinent and Khorasan region of the Persia subcontinent, both of the Asia continent.Hauptstadt der Timuriden war anfangs Samarkand, später auch Herat.Eine Linie eroberte 1526 das Sultanat von Delhi. Als Dynastie der Timuriden wird ein von Timur (Tamerlan) gegründetes, muslimisches Herrscherhaus in Zentral-und Südwestasien bezeichnet, das von 13 das Timuridenreich, unter anderem im Gebiet der heutigen Staaten Afghanistan, Iran und Usbekistan regierte.Multiple games I'm still trying to keep them loyal but I can't fight. I have to send troops in to win the war and loose since I'm out numbered. My vassals usually can't win the war with Ajam before the Shah dies. Historically, Ajam was no more than a rebellious rump state of the Timurids which was then invaded by Qara Qoyunlu They have the vassals Luristan and Ardalan at the game start. Ajam is an independent country in western Asia.They are threatened on the west by Qara Qoyunlu and border Timur's crumbling empire centered on the Timurids to the east.Vote on the next one here!: Join our Discord! - http. As requested, here is an opening strategy guide for The Timurids.It is possible to see the achievements sorted by the percentage of users that managed to complete each achievement by going to the game' Achievements have no in-game effects the achievement just pops up in-game and then added to the player's Steam profile. EU4 has 310 different achievements, all using the Steam achievements mechanics.Timurid missions - Europa Universalis 4 Wik At this point your trade income will be extremely high and you can do whatever you want going. Rinse and repeat until you control the whole sub-continent. Defeat them and take a few provinces but mainly take money. India should be controlled by 5 or 6 nations that have big outdated armies. Continue browsing in r/eu4 r/eu4 A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio Slowly reduce the Timurids or whoever controls the Eastern Iranian area. Then you can easily eat Ajam, QQ and get the Mughal Terrorities (take adm 1st. This way you become massive by the year 1455 and no vassals, you will want to annex Transoxiana asap as after them your vassals will all be loyal anyways. You can instant annex vassals in the year 1454 as long as you Placate Rulers or Develop land to get them under 50 LD. Good idea, never thought of that! I keep forgetting you can take lands from vassals, I'm too used to personal unions. Comment deleted by user 2 years ago 1 child. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Follow me on Twitter- Good luck, EU4 players! 28 comments. Seriously, Mughals are the strongest nation in current patch. Mughals guide for the OP Mughals in the new Mughals patch. In the new patch, you can form Mughals fairly fast with Delhi. They have some cool new mechanics and massive new mission tree. EU4 Nation Guides > Timurids - Mughals Guide 1.26 Timurids - Mughals Guide 1.26 Post author: RadioRes Post published: SeptemPost category: EU4 Nation Guides Mughals got a major buff in 1.26 patch/Dharma update. Timurids have the opinion modifier Insulted towards Ajam Otherwise, if this nation is Timurids and does not have at least one vassal: has at least one vassal all subjects have less than 40% liberty desire Otherwise, if this nation is not Timurids or Ajam: one of the following must be true: is at war with Timurids is not a subject Otherwise, if Timurids do not exist: Army size is 100%.